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Clinical Contracts Negotiations
A Note from Crystal
Welcome Video (0:46)
Module 1: Background of Clinical Trials
Let's Get Started! (3:24)
Intro to Background of Clinical Trials (0:28)
Commonly Used Terms (3:54)
Different Types of Clinical Trials (1:08)
Background of Contracts Manager (1:14)
Template Development (2:14)
Module 1: Quiz
Module 2: Back to Basics
Intro to Back to Basics (0:51)
Microsoft Word (0:19)
Microsoft Word Tracked Changes (0:53)
Microsoft Word Comments (0:26)
Microsoft Word Embedding Budget (1:38)
Microsoft Outlook Mailboxes (2:12)
Microsoft Outlook Reminders (0:59)
Module 2: Quiz
Module 3: Confidentiality Agreement
Intro to Confidentiality Agreement (1:39)
Why Do We Need a CDA? (1:30)
What is Preamble and Example? (2:04)
Scope of Work (1:16)
What is Confidential Information? (1:38)
What is Not Confidential Information? (1:09)
Obligations of Confidentiality (1:20)
Sample Obligation Language (0:42)
Return of Confidential Information (0:25)
Term (1:18)
Governing Law (0:22)
Assignment (0:28)
Equitable Relief (0:17)
Miscellaneous Terms (0:51)
Top CDA Questions (0:15)
Module 3: Quiz
Module 4: Clinical Trial Agreement
Intro to Clinical Trial Agreement (0:51)
Why Do We Need the Clinical Trial Agreement? (1:36)
General Layout of CTA (0:47)
CTA Template Development (1:23)
Budget Development (1:12)
Template Negotiation (1:00)
Tracking and Storage (0:56)
Most Commonly Negotiates CTA Clauses (0:39)
Confidentiality (2:29)
Indemnification and Layout in Contract (1:10)
Sponsor Indemnity and Carve Outs (1:54)
Site/Vendor Indemnity (0:35)
Indemnity Disclaimer and Procedure (0:36)
Intellectual Property and Inventions (2:00)
Intellectual Property (0:40)
Publication (1:36)
Module 4: Quiz
Congratulations! (0:47)
Contact Me (0:19)
CDA Checklist
CTA Checklist
Top 5 Formatting Tips
10 Tips for Clinical Contract Managers
[Download]: Top 10 CDA Questions
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Module 3: Quiz
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